Monday, October 12, 2009

Bonanzle Boardroom is open

For Immediate Release


Phaedra Stockstill

@ The Boutique


Judy Oglesby


The Bonanzle Boardroom is Prepped and Ready

Phaedra Stockstill and Judy Oglesby have teamed up to bring you a new monthly podcast - The Bonanzle Boardroom. Creating a one stop podcast for up to date, rock solid information about selling on this exciting marketplace.

On November 5th, 2009 at 8 pm Est the premier broadcast will air on Talkshoe. The podcast will last one hour and will bring to the air the knowledge of both of these wonderfull ladies. Covering updates on what's new on Bonanzle, tips from the white board, and solid eCommerce information.

Airing once a month on the first Thursday of every month, the Bonanzle Boardroom will be one hour of Bonanzle information, updates, and selling tips. Keeping up with all things Bonanzle has never been easier.

For further information you can visit the Bonanzle Boardroom page on Talkshoe
Or visit the newly created Bonanzle Boardroom website, BonanzleBoardroom

Judy Oglesby

1 comment:

Northcoast Flea Market said...

blue and PH , this is a great idea , will follow it from now on i have it on my blog.