Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Bonanza Boardroom Podcast March 3, 2011 Thursday evening

This Thursday Night Live on the Bonanza Boardroom Podcast we have a fantastic guest for you!

“Nicole Fende is President of the Small Business Finance Forum, and the driving force behind Rock Your Profits 2011. Ms. Fende is a credentialed actuary with experience as a former Chief Financial Officer, Investment Banker, and successful entrepreneur. She is the host of SmallBizFinance on BlogTalkRadio, with a listenership of 6,000 and growing. Her forthcoming book, How to be a Finance Rock Star, is an easy, practical guide to mastering small business finance.”

Nicole will be talking about how to be a profits super star
"Frustrated by profits that don’t quite measure up? Think your business should be multi-platinum while it sits in the dollar bin? Help is here. Tune in and learn the top 3 profit pitfalls and how to avoid them. "

Connect with Nicole
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Small-Business-Finance-Forum/125157404179894
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/nfende

Nicole’s Websites


this is going to be a fantastic show, Hope to see you all there!
Talkshoe Thursday Night at 8pm EST 7pm CST Live and you can ask all of your questions in the chat room


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