Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bonanzle Wins Seattle's Best BootStrap company Award

Yes that is right.. Bonanzle won! Seattles Best BootStrap Company Award tonight! Tonight being May 19, 2010!

The event has been recorded and archived at Seattle's 2.0... The Recording is now available. If you do not want to listen to the entire event, just pull the scroller over to 1:50 timeframe. Bill and Mark are on at around 1:52 or so.

Bill made an "Official response" to the Bonanzle Community. In his ever sincere and forward thinking manner, he thanked the community for their support. And he is right,, this changes Bonanzle.. Bonanzle is no longer biggest of small eCommerce sites. But Bonanzle is the smallest of the biggest eCommerce sites. Move over ,,, Bonanzle is coming through!

This is so exciting!

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